After waiting out a storm in an RV Park in Idaho Falls for a couple days, we went on to Grey’s River Valley in the Bridger-Teton National Forest outside Alpine, WY. We wanted a quiet area to avoid the 4th of July holiday crowds. We found a really nice spot right on the river. The only negative was at times RVs on the nearby road kicked up a lot of dust. We were surrounded by wild flowers everywhere. And cows that wandered through camp periodically.
The hiking options in this valley were rather limited, but I did find a couple great great hikes. One of the trailheads was 2.5 miles from our campsite (Stewart Peak Trail), and the other 5 miles (Middle Ridge Trail), which with my eBike felt quite close. For this sort of camping, I can’t recommend the advantages of having a eBike to get around enough. It’s really nice not having to take the van everywhere.
On the first hike the only people I saw was an old cowboy and his granddaughter on horseback. They were very friendly. The 15(?) year old granddaughter was wearing a t-shirt that said “Rock, Scissors, Gun, I win”, similar to this one. I might have to get one of those. On the second hike I only saw 1 other hiker.
Next we did a quick 2 hour stop in Grand Tetons National Park. All of the park is over 7000ft elevation, which Christine’s asthmatic lungs were not happy with, so that was the longest we could stay. There is now a bike path from the park all the way to Jackson, WY. I’d love to come back and ride that some day.
Then on to Badlands National Park, with an overnight in a free campground in Glenrock, WY. I have to say, the drive across the eastern half of Wyoming is pretty darn dull.
Photos from Grey’s River area are here.
Photos from the Grand Tetons are here.