Nyepi Holiday, Bali

We were lucky to be in Bali for Nyepi, aka ‘Balinese Day of Silence’, aka Balinese New Year.

On Nyepi you are supposed to have no lights, no leaving the house, no cars/motorbikes/planes, and no internet (both phones and wired connections) for 24 hours (sunrise to sunrise). It was REALLY NICE! The rest of the world should consider this 1 day/year. You are supposed to not eat/drink from 6am to 6pm too, but we ignored that rule.

The day before Nyepi is “Ogoh-Ogoh” day. For 2 weeks leading up to Nyepi, every village temple build a demon to parade around the village, some of which are really impressive.

My Ogoh-ogoh photos/videos are here. Be sure to check out some of the videos. Our local village did not have as good of Ogoh-Ogoh compared to some was saw elsewhere, so here is a nice collection of professional photos from previous years.

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